Hi everyone,
It feels good sometimes to draw while listening to some good country music. Here is a little drawing that shall only be viewed while listening to "courtesy of the white, red and blue" ;)
America chose change and Obama is our new president. Let's hope for the best and godspeed to America during those troubled times (I am paid in dollars so it better stay strong).
Thought it might help with the crisis.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
...we also have a new president !
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 11:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
I have internet again !
Hi Folks,
I finally moved to the city (NorthBeach even if some people are saying that I live on Russian Hill). I can see Alcatraz from my house.
Anyway. All that to say that I have a lot more free time now and that this blog is likely to get some more frequent uploads again.
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bon apres un grande periode d'incativite du blog voila un petit dessin de plus. Comme je regardais Appleseed Ex Machina ce soir tout en dessinant sur Photoshop il en est sorti ca. Une sorte de land-armor templier.
J'espere que ca vous plait ;) parce que j'ai beaucoup de mal a dessiner avec mes doigts en ce moment.
Bye bye
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 12:30 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
La Horde du Contrevent
Hey Guys !
I am currently reading a cool book and it makes me want to draw a lot of things.
So here it is, a drawing inspired from "La Horde du Contrevent" a novel where a team tries to walk against the wind to reach the origin of the world.
"Here the Herd is countering the wind in a delta formation to protect the aeromaster that is going to anchor a rope in the ground. By anchoring itself, the herd is likely to stay together and survive the storm"
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 1:26 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hey guys,
That's it, I started working at Ubisoft. That should mean less drawing but that's not even sure because my brain is under an intense stimulation there. Keep sending me request for drawing, if I like it I will draw something related !
Here is a little thing I did for a friend at Google ;)
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 2:19 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Softball - First post of 2008
Hi you all !
A little drawing related to one of my new hobbies, playing baseball in one of those cages where the machine throws ball at you. It so much more fun than minigolf and at least my girlfriend doesn't beat me at it ;) Here is my vision of what softball is gonna be like in 40 years. So just imagine what baseball is like !
Posted by Yves FRINAULT at 4:15 PM 11 comments